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What is FORCE?

Dr. Isaac Gonzalez Martinez Oncology Hospital has a partnership with FORCEan organization whose abbreviation in English stands for Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered Enfrentando Empoderando Nuestro Riesgo de Cáncer (Empowered Facing Our Cancer Risk).

FORCE seeks to improve the lives of millions of people facing hereditary cancer. Its mission is accomplished through education, support, advocacy, research and collaboration.

We have established a collaborative alliance as we share the mission of educating the community. We have connected our websites to have FORCE within our virtual library. When the user accesses FORCE will have access to educational resources in English and Spanish. The content will be easy to understand and will be based on scientific research.

What is XRAY?

XRAY is the abbreviation for eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You, eXamining the Relevance of Articles for You. This resource breaks down news stories about cancer that appear in the popular press, and identifies whether the content is sensational and inaccurate. The medical staff at FORCE medical staff "X-rays" the article. They then tell the reader what the correct information is.

Dr. Isaac González Martínez Oncology Hospital and FORCE, a partnership to promote access to reliable cancer information in Puerto Rico. 

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