Clinical trial of vaccine to prevent Lynch Syndrome is underway

Lynch Syndrome is a genetic disease that increases the risk of cancer. It is known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer and it is estimated that approximately three out of every one hundred colon or endometrial cancers are caused by this syndrome.

In Puerto Rico it is estimated that 1 out of every 250 live births are positive for the diagnosis. The registry has 1,000 families with hereditary cancers and of these, more than 500 people have Lynch syndrome. So the island joins the University of Puerto Rico and the Oncology Hospital to participate in the clinical trial of a vaccine to prevent the syndrome and, therefore, the cancers it causes.

This technology, developed to combat the diagnosis, is expected to be applied to other diseases and cancers.

This clinical trial will be conducted on the island with 40 Lynch Syndrome patients.

Credit: NotiCentro / WAPATV

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